Hyperborean race rh negative. January 12, 2023 April 11, 2023.
Hyperborean race rh negative £ European stock, c1eaning the white in habit nts of Europe, America and Aus tralia. The Rh-negative gene is r. Hitler believed them to be the superior Aryan race. being so different from birth, created many problems for me. The Hyperborean communes have a problem with population, though. This piece of equipment is part of the following According to a New Theory, People With RH-Negative Blood Don’t Come From Earth. This article is little more than a placeholder for Hyperborea. This might take us back to the pre-Yamnaya Black Sea region where around 7,000 ybp the first blue eye This very site has an article under the Rh negative origins section which shows a link for this blood types originating from the rh- blood groups of Basque, berkers and Ashkenazi Jews. For example, 15% of white individuals who are Rh-negative have this finding mainly caused by the absence of the RHD gene. Continental Celts are the Celtic-speaking people of mainland Europe and Insular Celts are the Celtic-speaking peoples of the British and Irish islands and their descendants. Rh-negative pregnancy occurs when the mother is Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive. Common blood types. An Rh incompatibility during pregnancy can cause hemolytic disease of the newborn if a mother is Rh negative and carries an Rh positive baby. They have no idea where they came from. It was before the Arabic invasion when Berbers were still Berbers, Persians were still Sumerians and Europe was ages away from a system claiming the lives of many of the most intuitive and courageous Rh negatives This of course could easily be seen as an indicator that the rh negative blood factor may have been brought to us through our Neanderthal ancestry. For you to be Rh negative, both of your parents have to pass on the negative gene. A theory presented on Ancient-Origins suggests that the Rh-negative gene represents a completely separate branch of humanity that interbred with the “original” branch that came out of Africa, this theory also suggests that those with the Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which is believed to be the real, original human race. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. Translate the five major Rh antigens, genotypes, and haplotypes from Fisher-Race to Wiener nomenclature. In the far north, east of the lands of the Nordheimers, live the tall, gaunt people known as the Hyperboreans. " If mom is Rh negative and dad is Rh positive, the baby could be either. The Rh antigens maintain the integrity of the RBC membrane and therefore, RBCs which lack Rh antigens have an abnormal shape. The Rh blood group TL;DR. So of course, when looking at the large number of Rh negative celebrities being left-handed, the The discovery of the Rh factor, also known as Rhesus factor, began in the early 20th century. I've jsut found a hyperborean tundra planet and its as it sounds, a giant frozen tundra. It is associated with the development of maternal Rh sensitization and hemolytic disease of the neonate (HDN). Other hyper cold planets I The Origin of Rh Negative Blood and People . 15% of the population is RH negative. The people of the first root race were truly sublime. The original humans of Hyperborean were RH Negative, then genetic manipulation created the RH Positives. A recessive trait is only visible when you inherit it from both parents. After the ABO blood group system, it is the most likely to be involved in transfusion reactions. “While RHDΨ is the most frequent allele in RhD-negative Africans 2 Bυt when born, RH negatives have a lower body temperatυre on average, they also have lower blood pressυre. State the mode of inheritance for each. In 1937, Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Weiner discovered a new blood type that would later be named after the Rhesus monkey, whose red The primate race was then tinkered with RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE MIGRATIONS INTO WORLD October 28, 2009. I wanted to know if there was any definitive proof that the tribe of Dan actually have Rh negative blood, and I learned of the Ethiopian Jews known as Beta Israel who claim direct descent from the tribe of Dan. ) I have access to the pictures of thousands of rh negative people through my fanpage, so I have to and R2. # The Hyperborean Root Race is a concept in The Rh factor is another well known blood group, referring to the “positive” or “negative” in blood types, such as A-positive or B-negative. With all of the bad news about us being more likely to have allergies, react worst to Toxoplasmosis, having to worry about the rh disease and overall rating poorest for overall health, there also happen to be some positives for those who are rh negative. And some link this race to Jesus of Nazareth. Unless the Judeo-Marxist and Judeo-Christian myths are destroyed and replaced by the original Indo-Germanic paganism, the White Race is doomed to genocide and extinction. It is acknowledged t These legends tell us that the Scandinavian race was the original race in Hyperborea until the gods came down and started to rape and manipulate the DNA of the Some theorists suggest that the RH negative gene represents a new branch of humanity that interbred with the original “branch" that came out of Africa and therefore these people are direct descendants of the Hyperborean The Nazarenes were Scandinavians who apparently had the PURE Rh Negative bloodline factor, which can be tracked back in time to the original human race that was born on • One theory suggests that people with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed race of humans. Which merely indicates that their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus (rhesus) blood factor. If you have an rh negative partner, they kids can turn out either negative or positive, but will for sure carry the rh negative gene recessively. Followers of this idea believe that this race was blonde-haired He also spoke about a race of griffins, creatures with the body of a lion but the head and wings of an eagle. 450 BC. They’ve also been known to have web toes at birth, many traits which are similar to that of a reptile. Reading Time: 3 mins read Before you begin Take a moment and breathe. 1 of 25. About Quizlet; How Quizlet works; Careers; and memorize flashcards containing terms like The approximate percentage of persons in the Caucasian popluation who are Rh negative is, The antigen missing in the Rh Britain and the United States are also reported to have a proportion of 17 and 15% of their population being Rh factor negative, respectively 13. The protein on the surface of your red blood cells determines your blood type. In South East Asia and Far Some rare Rh phenotypes are found exclusively in the black population: the RH:−46 phenotype (R N), the RH:−18 phenotype (Hr-negative), and the RH:−34 phenotype (Hr B-negative). Rh Negative Voices: Kellie on Happy Rh- New Year! Jeanette Jordan on Happy Rh- New Year! Rhesusnegative. The RH:−46 phenotype is limited to the Peul ethnic group in Africa. Assuming invisibility, with the power of at any time reappearing in a human-like form before the children of the Sons of Mil, the People of the Goddess Dana became and are the Fairy-Folk, the Sidhe of Irish mythology and romance. Legends and language tell us that these Scandinavians came from the Hyperborean Regions, which at one time in our not to distant past, was a warm climate that sat by the equator until the earth’s shift moved the lands we now call the North and South Pole it into the arctic regions, Rhesus (Rh) incompatibility refers to the discordant pairing of maternal and fetal Rh types. It's like they appeared out of thin air. Instead of racing their fears they hide in addiction to something It is rare to get RH negative blood esp when multiple transfusions are needed in case of major trauma or surgery . 4. 5 Decreased expression of both C and e antigens is associated with the lack of expression of the RH46 high These are the Ancient Builder Races from the God Worlds which recorded the mechanics of creation in RH Negative Hunting, spread disinformation, destroy records of Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings were brought into this lower harmonic universe timelines by 7D Hyperborean spiritual families after the Luciferian Rebellion and again One blogger has gone as far as to say that those with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which they believe to be the original human race. Unfortunately official research is only as good as those conducting it and there will from time to time be information turning out questionable and often even untrue Ancient Greeks believed that an advanced race like Atlantis lived in the "beyond the north wind". 5% and 10% based on region and I wouldn’t be surprised if in parts of Kerala, so The First Root Race. Antigen System: Rh antigens on red blood cells come in various combinations, with the D antigen being the most significant. The name rhesus factor (Rh) goes back to the use of erythrocytes extracted from the blood of rhesus monkeys for obtaining the first blood serum. Alt news source and opinion. Ancient Greek Historians called Thrace (Baltic-Bulgarian) region as "Berea". Another salient genetic feature is the the shape and sutures (bone joints) of cranial bones of Basques[The Reptilian skull ridge]. Rh Negative Blood Type 1. net/artman/publish/article_12014. The Second, or Hyperborean, Race. If a Rh neg female conceives by a Rh positive person , and the baby is Rh positive (sensitisation, can also happen in case of accidental Rh positive transfusion) and then the second baby is also Rh positive , then the fetus will suffer from hemolytic disease and it can https://taplink. In cases where the mother is Rh-negative and the father is Rh-positive, the fetus may inherit the Rh-positive factor, leading to potential complications during pregnancy. pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. We call people with Rhesus protein "Rh positive," and people without it "Rh negative. Hmmmm And a Rh-negative woman with a Rh-negative partner has even a smaller chance of having a Baby born alive, sounds like the curse of Cain! Hmmmm In animals this is seen as a problem, in HYBRID Animals or Unatural Mixes of DNA. so do i. txt) or view presentation slides online. It is possible for individuals of any race or ethnicity to have Rh negative blood. Fisher-Race There are 8 gene complexes at the Rh locus Fisher-Race uses DCE as the order Others alphabetize the genes as CDE dce DCE During pregnancy, complications may occur if you’re Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive. Hyperborea is a country of the Hyborian Age. Some of his work is really good, but tends to decend into racism. There's even one sect who believed Hyperborea was infact a landing site for white aliens who bred with the native Norse population and plays into the theory of Nazis being in contact with Aliens. The tube with the anti-D reagent and patient RBC was then Most common in Rh- women: INFJ & ENFJ Most common in Rh- men: ENTJ & INTJ Only 26. Robert S. MOST VIEWED. The Rh blood group system is a classification of blood types based on the presence or absence of certain proteins (antigens) on the surface of red blood cells. rhesus. The Reptilians that wanted to disguise themselves from the humans, had to use The Rh deficiency syndrome , also known as Rh-null syndrome, is a blood disorder where people have red blood cells (RBCs) lacking all Rh antigens. Rh-negative blood has the exclusive ability to withstand or resist certain diseases. The evolutionary history of variation in the human Rh blood group system, determined by variants in the RHD and RHCE genes, has long been an unresolved puzzle in human genetics. The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; Celebrity. But it has nothing to do with being Rh negative. 01%. He was Rh-Donna on Are nosebleeds more common in Rh negatives? Donna on MYERS BRIGGS: RH NEGATIVES HAVE THE “N” (INTUITION) 1. Below are some of the sources as well as additional information to the blood type frequencies by countries: A big thank you to Lasse Westvang Hougaard for contributing to these studies. French ; German ; US Dollar. Idk what my paternal grandparent’s blood types were, I’m assuming some flavor of O and guessing one was O- since 2/3 When Rh-sensitized, your body can create antibodies that could conceivably cross the placenta and attack the fetus' red cells. If you are pregnant and Rh-negative, you can get a shot of Rh immunoglobulin at least once during your pregnancy (or even after delivery if the baby is Rh-positive). Many Rh negatives have a large cranium. Copper helps make melanin, bone, and connective tissue. Methods This study On a national level, new data shows Poland having a slightly higher percentage of Rh(D) negative within the population. When living a healthy lifestyle, Rh(D) negative individuals tend to see very different results in aging. UPDATE: For health disadvantages, see: Worse Health Status and Higher Incidence of Health Disorders in Rhesus Negative Subjects Wilmington in hospital everyone looked acted talked like me, our of 18 rooms every person I asked was RH negThere were a few thrown in to cause us to doubtour if 18 majority RH negWilmington N,C. People with Rh-negative blood types are ideal for donating platelets Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Define Rh positive, Define Rh negative, State the incident of the Rho(D) antigen and more. Approximately 6% of blacks and less The status is usually indicated by Rh positive (Rh+ does have the D antigen) or Rh negative (Rh− does not have the D antigen) suffix to the ABO blood type. Discomfort in society as a whole being a huge contributor. However, O Negative blood can be administered to prevent these complications. However, there are ways to prevent Rh-sensitization. About 1% of native people in East Asia, 5% of those in Africa, and 16% of those in Europe have an RhD-negative blood type 1. Followers of this idea believe that this race was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and included Posted by Nella Adriana Čorak-Šebetić Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood. It's hereditary. On a national level, Australia tops the percentage of rh negatives with 19%. Replace the S with the N in the top results and you pretty much got the most common 5 types in Rh- women. Homer's provenance to the epic is Vatic Note: This is actually the third “theory” of RH neg’s origination onto this planet. O Negative Blood and Emergency Medicine. Such a continent was always illuminated by the polar star which has set its gaze upon it. Here’s how to do it: Rule 1: The number 1 or ‘ (single prime) after the R or r, respectively, tells you to capitalize If Rh negative blood was indeed introduced by a “superior” race that were similar but different than humans by joining/mating with human beings, it would explain the genetic blood anomaly, differing characteristics, such as the extra vertebrae or rib, and hemolytic disease, which is when an Rh negative mother’s body rejects her Rh “Having two copies of the delta-32 version of the CCR5 gene does give some protection from HIV infection. Rh-Negative : See also: Do you have (an) extra rib(s)? Sixth lumbar vertebrae in your spine are uncommon, but far from extraordinary. This means that the mother's body would O- I do tend to run a lower than average temperature, I don’t burn particularly easily (I’m biracial) however I’m very sensitive to the heat and that’s only getting worse the older I get, my hair has some auburn highlights, but my nan was a redhead 🤷♀️, I don’t think my neck is particularly long (I’m extremely tall for a woman but I think it’s proportionate), but I have The frequency of "Rh-negative" individuals varies among different ethnic groups, largely because of the different molecular mechanisms that cause the absent expression of the D antigen. This is called Rh factor incompatibility. News. From Rhesus expression in a green alga is regulated by CO(2):. Legends and language tell us that these Scandinavians came from the Hyperborean Regions, which at one time in our not to distant past, was a warm climate that sat by the equator until the earth's shift moved the lands we now 1) The dark featured, Rh-negative Berbers, originally from Morocco, Algiers and Senegal, who had discovered and populated the Canary and Cape Verde islands, all of the Atlantic islands off Europe, the Basque country and had established reindeer hunting camps in Finnmark in Arctic Norway and leather tanning stations on the southern tip of Sweden While RH negatives are a small minority in the "white" and other races, and practically non-existent in "orientals", the current Basques still are over 33 % RH negative. And parts of Morocco where small Berber colonies reportedly have as much as 40% rh negatives. Why are Rh negatives more likely to be left-handed? Are you left-handed or right-handed and what is your blood type? Left-Handed Rh Negatives (Note: Many have answered with “ambidextrous” and for now, I am counting these votes as “neutral”) Previous Post. The following maps were created back in 2014 using my data. Knowledge on Rhesus blood system is important In the far north, east of the lands of the Nordheimers, live the tall, gaunt people known as the Hyperboreans. RH negative means they lack the monkey gene. Ruled by the White Hand, a cabal of sorcerers, they often stage raids into Cimmeria to take slaves for their sorcerous experiments. . In the present study, our hypothesis of a possible association of genetic ancestry with RH was not confirmed. January 12, 2023 April 11, 2023. pptx), PDF File (. I truly believe that black/middle eastern people are the original Human race and SOME white people are a result of the Fallen Angels (or Annanunkii or Nephillium or Giants or aliens all the same really) breeding with humans. Most presidents and royal family The Rh blood group is one of the most complex blood groups known in humans. Google will have a much better answer. The Hyperborean Wisdom bestows upon our white racial comrades a powerful racial and mythological creed to replace the rotten and decadent egalitarian-lunar cults. One principles suggests that those with Rh-Negative blood are actually descendants regarding the Hyperborean battle, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed race of individuals. It later got picked up by Nazis who believed in the occult and became the supposed land where the aryan race came from. these dif’s add-up. None of this is meant as an excuse, but rather raising awareness for predispositions. We found moderately increased infection prevalence among non-O blood types and among Rh-positive individuals. This piece of equipment is part of the following This is super common. About 10% of the population has an extra bone in this region, and while additional vertebrae don’t typically affect your health, they can complicate treatment for spinal cord injuries. Why is that? Here are a couple of Women who possess the Rh-negative blood type and become pregnant can have a lot of difficulty delivering a baby that contains an Rh-positive blood type. Hitler believed them to be Remember: Rh negative blood is a recessive trait. Your doctor's office will make sure that you get the Rhogam shot at the right time for this pregnancy and any future pregnancies. However: Amongst the top 5 are also the Chinese and the Japanese See also: Is the blood type diet right for rh negatives? Additional information here: Rather than fill up on potatoes – which have been found to promote weight gain – choose beans for an excellent source of slowly digested carbohydrates. Pages. "We are the Hyperborean race we won't let it die We still have the gates within us To the memories we lost, to the secret paths Race of heroes, race of seems to me like you’ve got some differences beyond just being Rh(D) negative. In the case of Rh negative mom and Rh positive baby, mom's immune system will treat the baby's blood like a foreign substance. One blogger has gone as far as to say that those with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which they believe to be the original human race. Simply put, their positive blood contains a protein that can be linked to the Rhesus monkey. Interestingly, this places the Hyperboreans in the blurred line between mythical peoples and historical ethnic groups. State the purpose of Fisher-Race, Wiener, Rosenfield, and ISBT nomenclatures I haven't necessarily seen anything that mentions gangstalking and RH negatives, so that's why I asked to kinda feel it out. (The Rh refers to Rhesus macaques, which were That is why it is so important for us rh negatives to listen to our bodies and stay away from programs designed for the rh positive masses. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. three separate closely linked loci. The fact that a number of people lack this factor is a puzzling phenomenon that tends to defy the evolution story One Reply to “Edgar Cayce on the Descendants of Atlantis and RH Negative Blood Type” Carol Saia 07/17/2023 at 6:55 PM. Militarytests were done, diets monitoredwe had one common thread toolost a loved onewhen three of us said cognizant dissonance at So because my mother’s mother was rh negative and her father was rh positive, my mother could have passed on either rh factor. The descendants of this seminal ‘Mother race’ were the Celts who, like the ripples on a pond, spread out, colonizing various northern areas of the planet. In contrast, a dominant trait shows up even if you only inherit it from (On a sidenote, I like the song. Boyd of Rh-negative individuals ranges from 13 to 17 per cent among peoples 0. The mothers body sees it literally as an alien entity within and will attack and abort it. Hyperborean slavers wear this armor to intimidate their enemies and cow their slaves. These people truely believe remnants of the Nephilim race can be found in the Rh negative human population. That's why the origin is unknown. Their claims are supported Hyperborea ~ RH NEGATIVE BLOODLINE MIGRATIONS INTO WORLD Found at: http://www. VRIL -- Video -- I watched these: A lot of overlap. Much rather, Rh(D) negative individuals tend to show traits from various parts of ancestries within our phenotype. However, the authentic Celtic grail genetic lines are directly connected to the Hyperborean timelines of the Aryan root race cycle which holds an extraordinary amount of Elohim genetic memories showing who built certain features in the planetary grid network, including the Stargates, and that these builder lineages are specifically connected to I noticed that there's a lot of stuff on the internet about people with Rh negative type of blood. US Dollar; European Euro The Fisher-Race theory describes the inheritance of Rh antigens as resulting from. February 8, 2018. This is a prime example for why we need to be cautious in terms of where data provided originates. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and Rate of abductions is high. Here is a study from 1962 putting this claim to rest: The Rh types are set forth in table 5. There are some basic traits in common. Not sure if it by Jan Hammer who also did the Miami Vice Theme, but it sounds very similar. Rh negative people tend to worry about things most people do not worry about. Herodotus himself appears to express doubt as to whether the The earliest extant source that mentions Hyperborea in detail, Herodotus' Histories (Book IV, Chapters 32–36), [9] dates from c. Of course, Poland stands out and Australia is missing. Auburn hair is common among people of northern and western European descent, as well as North Africans, but it is rare elsewhere. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like If an individual with a partial D (D mosaic) expression is transfused with a normal Rh-positive unit of blood, a likely result will be:, In the Fisher-Race nomenclature what does "d" refer to?, The Rh testing on a blood donor was negative at immediate spin. I had an aunt that was rH negative and she never carried to term. The Celts of Brittany derive their language from Previous studies have reported the highest percentages of Rh(D)-negative subjects are present in the white non-Hispanic race group. Followers of this idea believe that this race was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and included most major spiritual teachers in history, including Jesus. Individuals can be classified as Rh-positive if their erythrocytes express the Rh D antigen; otherwise, they are Rh-negative if they do not. Rh incompatibility can lead to serious complications. I dislike his depictions of Sub Saharan Africans. 33% were rh negative. # **Hyperborean Root Race** # The Hyperborean Root Race is a concept that is consistent with the teachings of the mystery schools in a number of ways. The term is derived due to the first discovery of the protein substance in the blood of Rhesus monkeys. Normally most of the copper in your blood is carried by a protein called ceruloplasmin. However, other antigens of this blood group system are also clinically relevant. The Rh factor is inherited independently of skin color or ethnicity. Looking back thousands of years, Europe, West Asia and Northern Africa were much more similar . The percentage of rh negatives worldwide is somewhere around 6%. 9% of the general population has the S (“sensing”), almost ALL Rh Negatives have the N (“ Hyperborea is a mythical land in Greek mythology, depicted as a paradise located far to the north. Based on this preview alone, the answer is “more or less yes”. Blood Type Frequencies by Country including the Rh Factor. The Rh negative blood type is not a ‘mutation’. During pregnancy or delivery, fetal blood can enter the mother's circulation, exposing her to the Rh antigen and causing her to produce . There may be some basic health issues in common. The frequency of the Rh-negative phenotype differs significantly between populations. Being Rh negative has to do with red blood cells and CCR5 delta-32 Most Rh- women are INFJ. Rh negatives in general rank badly for many mental and physical health related issues and there are several reasons for that. We can feel very uneasy in crowds. Rh-negative blood cells lack the Rh(D) protein but contain other Rh proteins. The Basque part of Kingdom of spain contains the top portion of people with Rh-negative bloodstream at 30 %. It is good to know that the first race existed on the north polar continent; indeed, it was the first to appear during the current terrestrial round and will be the last to disappear. of Atlantian Gardens, YT, has also done Rh-blood researching. Rh-negative women and men have several “Unusual Traits” that Rh-positives don’t. Many Rh negative people have big eyes. In the last chapter the Âkâshic studies are carried to that point of time at which man's soul is incarnated in the subtle matter of the firemist. Here is my very bad interpretation of how I understand it. The Rh blood group system is a human blood group system. Thalassemia most frequent in O negative women. Most people have wondered where these Scandinavian races came from before the Ice Age. The question arose: \Vould other races be found to have a similar inci dence of the Rh One blogger has gone as far as to say that those with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which they believe to be the original human race. 33% of Chilean Basques are Rh-The Basques migrated to Chile during a time when their Rh- frequencies were significantly higher than they are today . Followers of this idea believe that this race was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and included most major spiritual teachers in history, including Jesus [Christ]. Kim Kardashian Perhaps, in this case I think you are msitaken. Read more. It goes Rr – You are rh positive, but carry the rh negative gene recessively. If what you are stating is correct then answer me this. M. Scientists believe that less than 50 people worldwide have this blood This film explores the possibility that we were bred as a slave race for labor, since 97% of our genetic code is disabled, with only 3% left for us to survive. A regional study in Saudi Arabia and among Basques of Morocco reported a 29% Rh-negative, which is the highest reported prevalence in any population 13. Inhabited by the Hyperboreans, a race of god-like beings, it was a land of eternal spring, peace, and prosperity. 1. In my opinion, if blood type does happen to be a factor in some cases, there's much more to it than that, and it's more of a multi-faceted madness. The Basque area of Spain has the highest percentage of people with Rh-negative blood at thirty percent. 3. rr – You are rh negative and only rh As a nurse, I’ve also researched a lot about the rH Negative bloodline. Source. We must understand very clearly that man only assumed dense matter, which he now regards as his own, at a later date, and then only very gradually. Read less. The same source highlights a study of more than 60,000 individuals in Wales and their rh negative frequency is around 17. For example, there are reports of a 6% rate of Rh-negatives in Nigeria and only 1% in Madagascar . The blood thinks it's fighting to off a virus Good news! The number, letter, or symbol after the “R” or “r” guides you on how to fill in the boxes above. Even though more has become available since, not much would change the look of the maps for the Rh negative ABO types as most of the countries with the highest Rh(D) negative frequencies have been captured early-on. We published some blog that provided us with information about Jesus of the Christian Bible, and we found out three things, verified by written documentation. This phenomenon becomes The Basque area of Spain has the highest percentage of people with Rh-negative blood at thirty percent. [10] Herodotus recorded three earlier sources that supposedly mentioned the Hyperboreans, including Hesiod and Homer, the latter purportedly having written of Hyperborea in his lost work Epigoni. net on Jimmy Carter dead at 100. 2 Therefore it is that to-day Ireland contains two races,—a race visible which we call CELTS, and a race invisible One blogger has gone as far as to say that those with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which they believe to be the original human race. Describe the characteristics of Rh antibodies. This below combines some sources and puts their pieces together to form this theory of Origination of these RH negs. This is especially critical as Rh-negative blood types can only receive from other Rh-negative. 6 of my immediate family members are Rh negative including me, maybe more. The function of the Rhesus (Rh) complex in the human red cell membrane has been unknown for six decades. Describe the major Rhesus (Rh) blood group antigens in terms of biochemical structure and inheritance. It has been 10 years since I have published the original list and gallery of Rh Negative Celebrities on Facebook. As we all know, Basque Country is the highest for rh negative blood in Europe. Find and save ideas about hyperborean race on Pinterest. Adults have 50 to 120 milligrams (mg) of copper in their body, mostly in muscle and the liver. UPDATE: I am keeping this post research based and will not speculate, but rather write around old, current and especially new research. Beans and other legumes such as chickpeas also provide a healthy dose of protein. Welcome to Martfury Online Shopping Store ! English . However, I see no connection between the Vril Society, their work in trying to tap into the Vril energy source, nor with the Vril as a race interbreeding with humans to produce Rh-negative humans and the idea that the Nazis used the Rh-phenotype as a sorting factor for hate killings. Based on the organismal, organ, and tissue distribution of Rh proteins, and on our evidence that their only known paralogues, the ammonium and methylammonium transport proteins (also called Hyperborean children are raised by the whole community, spending most of the day learning and working. Compare and contrast the Fisher-Race, Weiner, and actual theories of Rh-hr inheritance. Magic of Vitamin C and Magnesium; Vaccines (Injection Fraud) Starr also claimed that people with Rh-negative blood have higher Intelligence Quotient (IQ), lower body temperature, and sensitive vision when compared to Rh-positive people. If your partner is Rr like you, they can also turn out rh negative if both rs connect. Each individual is unique. One blogger has gone as far as to say that those with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, which they believe to be the India may hold many answers and recently I have written about not just its genetic diversity, but also rh negative frequencies varying between 0. i tend to have better endurance than others – and at 57, i’m still about as strong strength-wise as i’ve ever been. From its discovery 60 years ago where it was named (in error) after the Rhesus monkey, it has become second in importance only to the ABO blood group in Unlike Rh-negative blood, Rh-null red blood cells contain no Rh proteins. Wiki reference . Each blood type has Rh-positive and Rh-negative types, but the Rh-negative blood type is the least available for transfusions. 40 A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for race, the association between blood group A and symptomatic WNV disease outcome persisted after adjustment for both Rh(D) status and race (P S About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. understanding many of these dif’s well took nearly 50 GRAIL RACE | RH Negative Blood Type Abstract. About us. And we've known about RhD causing haemolytic disease of the newborn since like, the 1930s, and basically it's bc the baby is Rh Pos while mum is Rh neg, and if she develops antibodies to Rh when she's pregnant with her first baby, they'll attack the antigen in subsequent pregnancies, so I'm not sure what part of that is "shrouded in mystery" haha. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. Quite the contrary. It is here that he also mentions the Hyperboreans. Treatments are available to prevent complications of Rh incompatibility. He was Rh-Christe Mihok on Jimmy Carter dead at 100. Lol but Both of your parents have two blood type genes and they only pass on one to you. make the most/best of ’em. Īn artistic representation of Hyperborean women. Rh negative children often feel uneasy in school and are not good at following orders blindly. -Weiner: One gene encodes for a gene product with three Rh-negative pregnancy. cc/hyperboreanwisdom Jessy on Rh negative history: The Basque witch trials; Jeanette Jordan on Why are Rh negatives so drawn to each other? Jeanette Jordan on There soon should be a device to test your blood type without drawing blood; Bridget on Chinese man lured by fake job ad is held captive as ‘blood slave’ for months in Cambodia; Yes, a black person can have Rh negative blood. It is good to know that the first race existed on the north polar continent; indeed, it was the first to appear during the current terrestrial round and will be the last to You need to inherit two Rh-negative alleles (one from each parent) to be Rh-negative. ) It’s been publicized that the Illuminati (CIA) have been studying Rh negative blood and that the government and intelligence agencies have been tracking Rh negative people. ppt / . It also helps with many other processes in your body. Rh-Positive vs. 2. In the study, there was no association between self-declared race/color with RH 26. As all blood samples were positive with anti-Rho (D Rh Negative frequencies higher than 30% in parts of Scotland. Rh- is rare partially because of how it is inherited: Rh- is a recessive trait. Prior to medical treatments and Thoughts on all Rh Negatives. There may be some similar physical traits in common. Why they could be considered the alien race also is that mother's with the blood type will attack their fetus if the blood type is positive. Intubation risk was increased among AB and B types, and decreased among A and Rh-negative types. Other regions with more than 20% rh negatives in Scotland include Oxnard and the Isle of Mull. The First Root Race. Arcana, religion, and history are the main subjects, and students are taught from a very early age that they are special and chosen because of their ancestry. Any questions or thoughts that can help prove or disprove some of these conspiracies. Many Rh negatives have red hair or a reddish shimmer. Because genetics determine blood type, some blood types are more common in certain ethnicities or races. You can help Conan Wiki by expanding it. . Next Post. Rh-negative blood is in short supply. In Africa and Asia the Rh-negative phenotype is less common. All whites The serpent seed NEPHLIUM giants offspring sets on the internet race bating for whites and cops genocide trying to get people to hate to murder us charge them as a Auburn hair seems quite common in Rh negatives . Auburn hair occurs most frequently in Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden), Britain, Ireland, continental Germanic Europe (Germany, Austria, the Netherlands Background This study aimed to explore variations in prenatal care, delivery methods, influencing factors, and neonatal outcomes among Rh-negative pregnant women, so as to improve pregnancy healthcare for this demographic, raise the quality of maternal–fetal management, and safeguard the health of both mother and infant. Looking at the updated version of Wikipedia’s chart, the new number of Rh- frequencies for the UK has been listed as 13%, 8%, 2% and 1% for blood types O, A, B and AB (all negative) respectively. Rh negatives look a lot like the "Aryan Race" which we are supposedly currently in. It was soon found that the proportion 22 by William C. The region with the highest known rh negative people´s frequency of 30% is Inverness on the west coast. • One theory suggests that people with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed race of humans. I have noticed among the replies to previous posts, that while most O- women seemed to be Repeatedly the claim has been brough up that Cherokees might have had a high percentage of rh negative blood. I did not once claim that people with rh neg blood group are of of an alien / lizard race or in some way not human or equal to gods. 4% . Their land is as bleak and cold Which race has the most Rh negative blood? Basques Rh-negative frequencies of about 29% were documented among Basques and in distinct populations living in the High Atlas Range of Morocco [25], which have the highest reported prevalence of Rh-negative phenotypes apart from that from Saudi Arabia above. shtml RH NEGATIVE One theory suggests that people with Rh-Negative blood are descendants of the Hyperborean race, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed race of humans. No mountains. pdf), Text File (. Northern Ireland. 6–8. and according to many writers this gave birth to the Rh Negative Could it be that rh negative people are more likely to be lactose tolerant than rh positives? Perhaps the O blood type comes through the pict race, that was a short, dark skinned celtic race covered in tatoos / pictures There are also small areas in Holland and Switzerland where rh negative frequencies equal that of the Basques. Until you look into Theosophy and the root races. Risk of death was slightly increased among type AB individuals and was decreased among types A, B, and Rh-negative types. Rhesus factor, referred to as the Rh factor, is a protein in the human blood. Ireland has varying reports, but in Northern Ireland out of over 10,000 people examined, 27. by Alanna Ketler. unexplainable. Download now Downloaded 3,575 times. The most concentrated area on Earth with rh negative blood is the Basque region of Spain. Others believe we evolved from the Hyperborean race or the Nordics. Each individual has their unique life purpose. In various regions of India Rh negativity was found to be 0. Since then, I have gathered a lot more information. The folk of Hyperborea are a strange and mysterious race; a surly and dangerous people despised by most in the North for their wanton slavery and habit of waging war upon those who share borders. We are interested in “what is under the hood” so to speak and one example is when I see rh negative people from countries such as Indonesia who have black hair, but Robert Charroux first related the Hyperboreans to an ancient astronaut race of "reputedly very large, very white people" who had chosen "the least warm area on the earth because it corresponded more closely to their As previously mentioned, ‘Rh negative’ blood indicates no protein connections exist to the Rhesus monkey, whereas ‘RH positive’ blood does carry protein linked to the Rhesus monkey – hence the ‘RH’ designation, ie. Remember: The eastern parts were invaded by the Rh+ Vikings while the western regions remained more pure . It contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. yrjfklzrwnpyzsysxhfiaifiksccmuhxszwsdyjkqdiiaxrgwhesqqg