Godot follow mouse position. direction_to(target) * speed if global_position.

Godot follow mouse position mouse_mode = Input. a 2D plattformer and I want that my character has a weapon that can move in an orbit around the character and follows the mouse position. distance_to(get_global_mouse_position()) Because two lines later you ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. And remove the item from the slot. I've set the rotation pivot to the center of the player for the weapon, but it's not aligning properly with the mouse. extends Sprite2D func _process(_delta): global_position = get_global_mouse_position() Reply reply &nbsp If you want to move the player’s real cursor (the one provided by the OS) you could use Input. I'm trying pretty hard to keep my node coupling to a minimum. func _ready() -> void: You need to do a raycast of your mouse position in the 3D world. x, 32), snapped(get_global_mouse_position(). Read mouse position on click and on release, find the size of rectangle, set the area position in the middle of 2 click, set the area size and detect units using get_overlapping_bodies. Just make sure you get your XYZs in the right orientation. Hey! Sorry for necroposting, I was looking for something like this and it seems like its working for me (almost) except for the fact that I have a 3d object with a look_at towards this pos variable its calculating, the problem is that whenever my mouse position reaches a specific threshold (imagine a line splitting your screen in an "upper" and "lower" part of the screen), it would flip You have to use vector math. warp_mouse_position() was the solution I found, but the function appears to no longer exist. distance_to(target) > 5: velocity = move_and_slide(velocity) I’m Godot Version Godot 4. It has some animations like idle (left, righ, top, down) and run (left, right, top, The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. It feels like I'm having a lot of issues for something relatively simple. (Get mouse position, store in Vector2) -> (conduct camera rotation) -> (return cursor to Vector2) Any help is appreciated. 3 Question The player is constantly following the mouse position. is_colliding The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Using input event mouse motion or global position / relative only returns in pixel units, i need the 3D units. a script that exports NodePath to_follow and then use a tween for the cam's global_position or lerp towards the to_follow's position if that is a ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. mouse_pos) it doesn’t follow the mouse, it goes to a seemingly random position. x = get_global_mouse ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. If the mouse position is relative to the world, you’ll have to get the player position relative to the world as well. 0. I’m trying to create a player movement system with a mouse where the player follows the mouse and stops when left-click. I’ve searched for a while now and really can’t find any answers so I’m asking here. I just started to learn godot / programming and I have hit a roadblock with my top down shooter. 2. though I Godot Version 4. target_sprite. 👤 Asked By Serenade I want to make eyes that stay in sockets and Follow the mouse pos As if the character is looking at the mouse (not angle but pos) I have no idea how to get this done plz help 🙁 How to make UI images follow the mouse cursor? Solved bit. When I increase cursor speed it rotates with it instantly. extends KinematicBody2D signal hit # Is used to detect if Hmm. Making spaceships a kinematic body didn’t quite satisfy me (bcuz acceleration and decelration have to be handled manually, and even then arent perfect), so I want to learn to Godot Forum How can I make my gun aiming at the mouse, and my gun always facing the mouse? look_at(get_global_mouse_position()) 1 Like. x, 1 / zoom. Best. even if the player is dead ( no jumping to the start position of the camera). BTW, rad2deg (90) converts 90 radians to You need to get the offset of the object from the mouse position when the left mouse button is just clicked. I can't find what it This is going to keep the relative position the same and should help with zoom too which scales text correctly with camera zoom for me on godot 4. 1. global_position. event. So I went down a Godot Version 4. global_position and event. Now even if code:Link = https://github. I have a Sprited2D that needs to follow the mouse cursor, additionally I need it to snap to the Tile grid that I have. When I click on the game, I want the sprite to move to the position I have clicked on the tilemap but it always goes to somewhere Godot Version 4. It follows the movements of the cursor just not in the same location if u understand. y > global_position. Are you trying to rotate around a point based on the mouse position? Pick an initial position by projecting the mouse, then rotate around that 3D point. Mouse position in relation to viewport: bullet velocity is now as follows: bullet. the camera itself is placed in my "Level" scene but the player has a RemoteTransform2d node so the camera is following him. position = get_local_mouse_position(). velocity = direction * delta * SPEED. Codes I used is bellow. 👤 Asked By Thakee Nathees is there any way to set the mouse position ? Godot Forum how to set the mouse position ? Archive. project_ray_normal—but I'm wondering if there's a method of raycasting that's viable without using these methods. Everything has been working until I added a main menu. it A community for discussion and support in development with the Godot game engine. get_mouse Godot 4 Question In Godot, if you use get_global_mouse_position() with InputEventScreenTouch, a situation may arise where, if the first press is already active, the function continues to return the coordinates of this first press, and not subsequent touches. Hey all, Getting started with my godot journey, and having a little trouble figuring out some stuff in 3d (coming from the Unity engine). The closest thing was how to 'follow' the mouse. scale) will create a weird offset because of it. Godot: How to move KinematicBody2D node from one scene to another. dasgutmann August 14, 2024, 12:02am 5. I’m trying to make a Raycast2D cast to a point that the player clicks on with a mouse (the Raycast2d is tied to the player node). system June 21, 2019, 4:37pm 1. the reason i want the raycast to follow the crosshair is because the cast gives the bullets the direction, and i'm making the viewmodels look_at the raycast collision_point ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 👤 Asked By tjdwlgns612 Looking at the Godot documentation, I found a code to move towards mouse click: func _physics_process(delta): velocity = global_position. I have a scene like this: The camera is set to follow the sprite node. global_position = get_ global_ mouse _pos() This will set the position of the node to ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. This you can use to calculate a 3D position. Help ⋅ Solved (_delta): var cursor_pos = get_local_mouse_position() ray. y,get_global_mouse_position(). 2 Hello, I am new to Godot and I would like a question answered, my character is static and I want his weapon to point in the direction of my mouse at all times, but I am having problems since I saw the documentation and I understand that you can use these options: 1-var mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_pos() 2 To get the position in 3D the mouse is hovering over in Godot 4, you first need to get the mouse position and the current Camera3D: var viewport := get_viewport() var mouse_position := viewport. Thank you. normalized() changes the local mouse position vector to always have a distance of 1, which is why when we multiply this vector with 100, the target sprites always appears at a 100 pixel distance from our player, while also keeping the direction of the mouse position. # Set the node_a to a static body without a collision, we only need it for the pin effect. velocity = bullet_end_pos - bullet. How can I do it? Would be The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. position entirely and using something like map_player. Kinda ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 3 Question how would i go about making a sprite lock onto the mouse x think about it like going to mouse position but ignoring the y axis You can add the following script to a Sprite2D and it will follow the mouse x position: extends Sprite2D func _process(delta: float) -> void: global_position. Question. Thank you! If by follow, you mean to to it’s position, you gotta use navigation. With that said, sometimes you need to query by other means Now a couple things: You want the position in global coordinates (i. The camera has some vectors which are its up and left vector (if I remember correctly). var click_pos := Vector2. 3 Godot Version Hi there. For my game currently, I am able to get the balloon (object) to be dragged when clicked. Thanks. Is there a ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. I want the shield to angle towards wherever the mouse is relative to the player. 3 Hi I’m a newbie to programming, I am trying to create a movement system with a mouse. it is like asking the AudioStreamer node to The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. 👤 Asked By RTSmike Hello! Im a beginner here, and trying to make a stellaris-like rts as my first game. x". I'm working a feature in my game and I want to move a sprite inside a viewport to the the position of the mouse cursor. Godot Version 4. I know I can raycast using Camera3D. Archive. As move_and_collide returns a KinematicCollision2D-Object you can also use the included information there to adapt your Camera3D. If you only want the x value you can simply add a ". position); # a vector pointing from the sprite to the mouse would be calculated like this. Code for player trying to access the mouse is as follows: mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position(). 2. I works but it lags behind slightly, which is a little annoying. I have a QuadMesh with a ViewportTexture set up as the material albedo texture. in my game I'm trying to make it so that the camera follows the mouse a small amount, sorta like a smaller version of how the camera works in nuclear throne, and I've got something that almost works except for 2 main issues. warp_mouse(position) should take a position in this Viewport's coordinates (not window coordinates) i. Everything is working except that the selected character goes “near” the mouse, it has an offset, you can see it in the picture, here it’s some of the code for the Camera3D. Top. ) (get_global_mouse_position()-your_targets_position)/2 Make sure u enabled smoothing And speeed is up to u Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . 1 Question I have a Node2D called StickAbility which has the below code: func _process(delta): look_at(get_global_mouse_position(). Share Add a Godot Version. 2 Stable Question I made a 2d-topdown shooter. 0:00 - Intro 0:55 - Progr Use Camera3D. position. The tooltip position is stuck at certain coordinates over the hovered element, sometimes directly over it, sometimes at the initial position of the mouse upon starting to hover the element, and in most case at a specific corner of that element. But that makes me concerned about scope issues since the level would be handling all of the bullets behavior. The code i tried to use to make this happen: position = get_global_mouse_position() Godot Version v4. here is how I did it: func _process(delta): # no need to change rotation in _physics_process but it doesn't matter anyway var mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position(); var direction = (mouse_position - self. get_global_mouse_position() will How to get the mouse position in the world in 2D. Thanks! Skip to main content. ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. PlayerToCameraDistance = player. Godot Engine documentation Ray-casting. if get_global_mouse_position(). the camera essentially zooms infinitely, as long as the mouse is in The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Lovely, but the bullet wont follow, any idea? here’a the bullet’s code: extends Area2D @export var SPEED = 800 @export var damage = 30 var direction:Vector2 func Then on mouse click move the area to your mouse position and detect clicked unit using get_overlapping_bodies You can also use this area to do rectangle select. Here's an implementation that can either move the position with fixed orientation or can also point the cursor object. 👤 Asked By elrico26 Does anyone know how I add a child node to the mouse to follow. 1 in a 3D project. x - body_anim. normalized() * 100. get_mouse_position() var camera := viewport. Can someone help explain how to create an object at the cursor position when the mouse clicks? ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. But I couldn't find any online resources that explain this. position value from InputEventMouseMotion Here's how you can make the player follow / make the player move towards the mouse in Godot! (in less than 2 minutes) more. x as the x position of mouse But first, define the mouse_left input map in So I am working on a shooting platformer game and I am trying to implement the crosshair which will be moving in the exact mouse position. When I zoom in, I want to camera to center my mouse position. Right now I’m trying to make the camera move only in the XZ plane when the mouse cursor goes near the The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. The red cross represents where the mouse position is being calculated (adjusted for the raycast), whereas the green cross represents a position node with a sprite - outside of the viewport: Code to update the raycast (inside the Viewport So I want to make an axe as a weapon, and I want it to rotate based on the player's mouse position. When I dont move The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Then, when you press down on the left_click button and hold it there, at left_click button release, the player will travel to the spot where the left_click button was released. New Godot Version 4. Godot Forum How do I add a child node to the mouse? Archive. The way you do this is you subtract the start point from the end point: # let body be your rigidbody var mouse_pos = Look up Jeremy Bullock FPS tutorial on the tube. First of all, make sure you put your Viewport inside a ViewportContainer (otherwise it does not get input, see _input not called for a node inside a Viewport). the mouse position is returning the position starting from the o,o screen coordinates instead that the game program coordinates Please follow The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Normally, the mouse stays on the screen, so the camera is always moving, to avoid that, I want the mouse to be locked in the viewport to be in the middle of the camera. set_custom_mouse_cursor("preloaded image blabla", 0, cursor_position) #godot #godotengine #gamedev #2d #mouseLet's learn how to setup a simple mouse follow logic for a 2D game in Godot/C#, and move around our little ship to avo ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. var direction = get_viewport(). Hello. 4. get_mouse_position() - self. I would like it to connect to the mouse so when I click on my mouse the You can either get that information from the _input(event) or _unhandled_input(event) method (can help to separate out input processing from physics processing, and particularly helpful when you need something else, like the GUI, to have first dibs on your input), or you can call for the mouse position directly, using get_viewport(). Open comment sort options. 3 stable Question Hello all, I’ve been struggling with getting the sprite arm of my character to follow the mouse properly, I’m pivoting it from the middle of the shoulder but I want the tip of the gun to follow the mouse, here’s what I’ve doe so far: extends Sprite2D # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. get_global_mouse_position()? That seems to work FWIW. You shouldn't need the absolute mouse position anyway, just have something like view_yaw and view_pitch variables, then in _unhandled_input add the event. project_ray_origin and Camera3D. If you know the distance from the camera to your simulated mouse plane and you know the x,y position of the mouse on that plane (where the camera is pointing at 0,0) then you can define a vector from the camera to the mouse just using those 3 numbers, no math needed. Then I found a way how it works in godot 4, but I have a problem with this code now: so after a lot of googling, I've not been able to find a solution that was ever concrete. I'm trying to some arm sprites to aim at the mouse, and whilst I've got the relative mouse position worked out (0,0 returns when the mouse is over the sprites anchor), I can't figure out how to then get the sprite to look at the mouse - instead it either spins wildly or is looking the wrong direction. In general, the camera follows the mouse pointer. rotated(PI/2)) This node is attached as a child to a CharacterBody2D called Player. Asked By: 4. I want some particles to trail the mouse click as its pressed on the screen. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit taking good care of the Godot project - consider donating to https Godot Version. I found the code that can to get that coordinates, but it was on godot 3. func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: mouse_pin. How to set the position of a Camera2D Node? Help Howdy, basically I place my camera and gave it the dimensions I wanted in the editor. Make Sprite Follow Mouse . So to explain the first part gets the mouse position then the second part “-position”" is so you can get a charater follow it staright to the position. There are also mouse_entered and mouse_exited signals. However Godot Version V4. And I want players to feel some weight, so make the ship rotating with some delay. I tried googling a bunch online and reading documentation but I just don't understand. It can be any kind of event, even mouse movement itself is an event. Viewport. x)) however, this doesn't seem to work properly, and instead only moves slightly how do I get a rigidbody2d to follow the mouse as if it were a hand weakly griping a hammer. Attention: Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. x to view_pitch and the character Y Subscribe and learn more from me about Game Development and Programming!In this video, we discuss how to get your mouse position in 3d space! this allows you ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Learn it in 10 seconds!Even more tags:godot,godot engine,godot mouse cursor,move to mouse position The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. If you are talking about using the mouse to change aim/direction of camera, you can do something like this. It's ok if I need some parameters from camera's current position and rotation. Godot Forum Line2D point follow mouse. You have the vector of your center part of your camera. stable. I already have the mouse position working, but I can’t get the point to follow the mouse. com/INFerno781/INFerno781/blob/main/CameraFollow. move_and_slide() can only be called from an instance. 3). Find the character's position in the viewport local coordinate space, then use that to the mouse's position in the viewport. global_position = follow_target. if you additionally use a lerp, the sprite will slowly interpolate towards the mouse position: I am looking for a sprite (a bullet to be more specific), to come out of another sprite (the end of the gun) by clicking the left mouse button, and then have the bullet go in the direction of where the mouse was, and then not change position after the click happens. At the moment I have a camera2d node with smoothing on the player. position don't give the same position as get_global_mouse_position(), but the main problem is that it's only updated on mouse movement. Calculate the x- and y-difference between the two points (which can be done using a vector). Then there’s the stuff that makes you move. Var pos is your isometric position (in the world), var mouse is your isometric mouse position (in the world) and var to_mouse gives you a vector from your position to the mouse position (I think). I'm using _g to indicate which values are in Hello, I know how to draw a line from one point to another, but how can I draw a line from a point to the mouse position? I would like to be able to click to set the starting point, and then click again to set the end point (but drawing the line live, while Instead use get_global_mouse_position(). 👤 Asked By andre_angelo I am trying to follow Top Down 2D Shooting in Godot tutorial to make my first game (I’ve already done A quick video explanning how to move a player (character body 2D) towards the mouse with three different variants of movement types. official [b09f793f5] Question. system September 25, 2021, 10:22am 1. Are there any optimization methods to make the dragged object closely follow the mouse? extends how to make player rotate towards mouse cursor in godot 4. official [b09f793f5] Question Hello ! I’m trying to understand why my newly created arrow/bullet follows my Mouse instead of the direction I gave in the beginning. When I tried to find the tutorial, they did not really help with the problem. 👤 Asked By Supatier I’m trying to get the 3D position of my mouse cursor much like a gridmap coordinates just the X and Y with Z always constant. There are a simple tutorial, but that just makes the sprite follow the mouse pointer, I want to replace the pointer entirely with the sprite of the UFO. 1). 👤 Asked By Rensae Hi, I’m actually trying to make a kind of ARPG script including buildings, but I’m having a weird trouble that I can’t seem to solve, I may be dumb, but better ask than doing nothing : I’m pressing a button to load a build_bar which contains every buildings I Hi. extends Control var velocity : float = 1 Godot Version 4. but it's not at it's exact position, which is what I The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Input. cast_to = cursor_pos if ray. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. get_camera_3d() Then we can get the origin and direction of the ray for that point: Use move_and_collide and then you can change the CollisionLayer / CollisionMask of your KinematicBody or the other PhysicsBodies to prevent interaction with each other. But this node is on a canvas layer which makes it work when camera is on 0, 0 coordinates but it shifts through to center when I move the camera. 👤 Asked By veiran2010 Hey, my character moves on the keys wasd, but I wanted to implement a system for him to look at the mouse cursor as well and his attacks follow where the cursor apoint. r/godot A chip A close button. The Sprite does move but as the cursor moves further The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Read more about it in the PhysicsBody2D API. y: # its in Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; I have global coordinates, and I want to move the mouse to the position on the screen that corresponds to the global coordinates. ZERO func _physics_process(delta): if Input. position = get_global_mouse_position() add_child(obj) This function should help you, you can either call it in _input or _process depending positions are only correct at (and very close to) the origin (0,0,0) - otherwise the point is in the correct "direction" from the origin, but not under my cursor. my camera. ) You can probably use some_gun_obj. How do I get the cell at the mouse position? Share Add a Comment. direction_to(target) * speed if global_position. (get_global_mouse_position(). it working if my area2d size like 32, 96 , but if size lie 64,128 it wont snap anymore. It depends on what you are trying to do: if you are attempting to get mouse position in a zoomed viewport, then this code scales the location of look_at(get_global_mouse_position()) Example of usage: Godot Engine documentation 2D movement overview. 2 and it doesn't work now. Something like this: func _input(event): if event is InputEventMouse and event. MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN to hide the ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. project_position with a z_depth of 0 to get the position of the cursor in 3D space, then make the head look at that point. This returns a Vector2 of the current global mouse position. 👤 Asked By MemokingMH I have a node that I want to spawn on mouse position and make it follow my mouse. When my player walks forward (Vector2. 3 Question I implemented the drag function with the following code (this is the code provided in the official documentation). 👤 Asked By David Wong How do I make the object follow the mouse position but is limited by the radius? I got the way in unity, but after i try in godot it doesn’t work. Godot receives mouse positions in window coordinates and it needs to translate these into the appropriate position in the appropriate coordinate system. then the last part is to normaliz the numbers. Otherwise just use Input. I'm trying to get the mouse position in Godot Ver 4. See what your fellow developers are up to, get help or advice for your own projects, and be notified about updates (fixes, changes, new features, etc. obj. Get Global Mouse Position Godot 4. I'm trying to make a node follow the cursor position by simply setting the node's position to the mouse cursor's. , or a key stroke. I have a feeling the issue lies somewhere with the way Godot handles instantiated scene and get_global_mouse_position(), but I don't know how to unravel that. I set a mouse cursor and object following the cursor. Without . . You'll have to convert the mouse position to the line's local space before applying it to the I'm still learning godot, but the classic way to do this is cast a ray from the camera into the scene at the point you're wanting it, and place your player at the place it intersects with the object to place it on. When the player left clicks the sprite moves and when the player left clicks again the sprite stops at the mouse’s position. When another inventory slot is clicked, it needs to destroy the 3d object, and place the item in The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. 👤 Asked By epic_coder I’m trying to make a KinematicBody2D follow a mouse, but instead it follows bottom-right to the mouse. y, 32)) Share Sort by: Best. rotation. global_position look_at(look_target) From there, you can use functions like lerp, move_toward, and similar to smooth out the movement, rather than just setting the camera’s position to the follow target’s position. For more quick godot tips and tutorial, click that EDIT 2 SOLVED using "look_at(to_global(mouse_position_local))" . Instead you want the viewport local position of the mouse, and to project the character's world position into the same reference space as the viewport space, then get the direction from the character to mouse. Note that some platforms/graphics drivers will ignore this and will enforce V-Sync anyway. Here is my code. 👤 Asked By Yozhik I have a playercontroller 2d in top-down view game, where the players ship follows the cursor. 👤 Asked By TherdDev I want to make a 3D RTS game similar to the Command & Conquer series, but I have no prior game development knowledge and experience. global_position gives you the position of the event that triggered the _input(event) function. gd: # use mouse scroll input to change zoom func _process(delta): scale = Vector2(1 / zoom. node_a = mouse_pin. relative values to those (also clamping the pitch between -PI/2 and PI/2). Now, all we have to do is get back the current mouse position in this event, here is the final PlayerShip C# class for this mouse follow movement logic: using Godot; using System; get_global_mouse_position returns a Vector2, representing the cursor's location in the global reference frame, so you need to get a vector that points from RigidBody2D's global_position (also a Vector2 in the same global reference frame) to the mouse's. I use the following script to get the direction the sprite need to move to get to the sprite: extends Viewport func get_dir(refrence : Vector2) -> Vector2: return (get_mouse_position() - refrence). Godot make item follow mouse. 1. I've tried moving the code from _input to _process to _physics_process, but the delay persists. 👤 Asked By miss_bisque I’m creating a basic game where certain sprites disappear when clicked. I tried out the code, but it doesn’t work as I’d like it to. I have the camera set to be between the mouse cursor and the player (2d game), so If I don't move the mouse, but I move the player, the camera moves and the ui element goes to So I am working on a sprite which will be following the mouse but it has only been following from the side instead of being in the mouse. var dragging = false # Are we currently dragging? var drag_start = if I jump into them they start floating away and still follow my mouse In MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED the mouse should be hidden automatically. However, I found that when dragging quickly, the position of the dragged object will lag behind the position of the mouse. coordinates of the 2D world, in this case), not viewport coordinates. However, you can disable V-Sync in the Project Settings to decrease input lag, at the cost of visible tearing (Display → Window → Vsync → Use Vsync). v4. warp_mouse(Vector2(x,y)). is_action_pressed("click"): var ABT1 so i have code to tell what side of the player the mouse is on in the x axis and in the y axis, get_global_mouse_position(). More ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. normalized() In the class ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Then in _process set the camera. Then we can use that ViewportContainer to get our coordinates. Instead you may want to project the mouse position onto a plane parallel to the camera that intersects the model's position. 3 Question I’m trying to make it so that the player can rotate a shield around them. is_action_just_pressed("mouse_left"): click_pos = get_local_mouse_position() #Use here the click_pos. Share Godot Version 4. This works by getting the Mouse Position property of the Input Class, which returns the pixel 👤 Asked By ThreeSpark I’m trying to make a point in my line2D follow the position of my mouse. 👤 Asked By Isccb I’m trying to do a drag-select with the mouse, but when I draw the rectangle, it’s associated with the mouse position and moves along with it, instead of staying fixed in the initial position. Godot Version V4. But when the sprite is sharing the position with the mouse it stutters. sounds like a good solution so I'll try it, but I tried to make a collision shape follow the mouse's position and set the mouse's pos to the collision's pos if it enters the area2d, but the collision shape didn't follow the cursor exactly and had a little delay. CollisionShape follows get_global_mouse_position() Im stumped of finding a work around with having "Follow Viewport" enabled to get get_global_mouse_position() to be accurate. Now yep, that’s it, parallaxBackground extend from CanvasLayer, and do not support the get mouse position methods (in short, it is not a node related to the viewport directly, it does not know the position of the mouse. From this position I create an arrow that gets the position and rotation from my shootingPoint. New The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. I wrote this camera code: extends Camera2D var target_zoom : Vector2 var zoom_speed : float = 10. Similar to the light emitted In this super quick godot tutorial I will teach you how to make a node look at the current mouse position. get_path_to(fake_body) # Enable input pickable on the rigid Alternatively, it's possible to ask the viewport for the mouse position: When the mouse mode is set to Input. It's probably because I have the camera follow the cursor. KinematicBody. official Question Hi. 3 Question I’m making a tower defence game with a camera that I can move with middle mouse click and zoom. system November 4 ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. When the main scene plays, var mouse_x = get_global_mouse_position() is supposed to find the . However depending on the exact effect you want, and how far the camera is from the model, it may not look good. x. Getting the mouse position on the screen is relatively straightforward. You do not want to intersect a ray, you want to intersect a point. If you use the normal method of having a sprite follow the mouse position then you'll get input lag, that bugged me quite a bit. Sort by: Best. Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to Godot and currently working on a top-down shooter game. sign() Godot Version 4. Then in your _input function above add a variable to hold the desired new position. 0 var zooming : bool = false var mouse_pos : Vector2 func If you have an extra Viewport. How can I achieve this? This is my current code that has the sprite following the mouse’s position: @export var speed = 200 var I'm trying to make a sprite follow the mouse pointer. The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. global_position = get_global_mouse_position() func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void: # If we are dragging and the user releases the mouse button then if is_dragging and event is A community for discussion and support in development with the Godot game engine. I have the following functions that attempt to do this: In the player script: var mouse_pos = get_global_mouse_position() return (mouse_pos - global_position). I wrote the above two lines of code to lock the mouse at the mouse coordinates which is stationary. I'm using _g to indicate which values are in Coding-wise, taking the simplest case of 'move in the direction of the mouse at a steady speed' you'll want to take the mouse coordinates from get_mouse_position() and compare the x value to your player's x coordinate to This way, we’ll get familiar with how to get the current mouse position when the cursor moves, and how to make our ship object update its position accordingly. 👤 Asked By Stoozey New to GDScript, I want to make a 3D object follow the mouse on one axis. mouse_pin. I have a player3D node and I want move it to mouse coordinates. y) I checked follow viewport and it apeared again but its the same as before (µ/ý X´G 6W3ÀˆŠF 8@KÚ"²iQ©Y¹» dÜSÂþ ÕN\_ñ ’_$ Udƒ£QSÅ`P Ó$ dYî } ` W Ð Ñ ¢ °5~äúÍ(YOPº¦´*O ódëÝVþ[wœ­1"6˜¶¬§dL¾¢3¢+”Ιˆ+‰ ¿î[É KûH ð÷´’|e\¯P q"I ”s½JNÖª–'’„E霯ŽÑñFZEN[FŽ§I_Ôoò@” K 8Êä‘lSZ¼4€û xïÏèÛ ¥UM(i Ø€ô,Áf( N ¾J ìçºÛÅmŸæ{¯|Nßf)­jJIKÒ³$›%§Ó•¯’„±¸k~ßê ² You talking about locking the mouse position to center of screen making it invisible and then having your mouse movement move camera? stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Should I be ignoring the event. MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED, the event. Here is how you can do it in Godot 4. EDIT: I realized my cursor didnt show in the screenshot but its roughly around where the stickman is. Introduction: One of the most common tasks in game development is casting a ray (or custom shaped object) and checking what it hits. I won’t describe Do you know about get_global_mouse_position()?. hey guys. Not just the x axel. UP) the Node2D that should look at the global mouse position moves. But i dont have a singel clue on how “-position” can make a thing follow your mouse on both axel on the same time can i make the raycast i'm using point towards the mouse's exact position on the screen? the crosshair already does this, but it's a 2D element after all, it was real easy. Use a CanvasLayer that doesn't follow the camera (which is the default), that'll allow you to position things in screen space A community for discussion and support in development with the Godot game engine. 2 Question Hi, I’m new to Godot in 3D and I’m making a racing game. 👤 Asked By someantics HI all! I’m new to Godot so still figuring some things out. Introduction: Every beginner has been there: "How do I move my character?" Depending on the style of game you're making, you may have special requirements, but in general the movement in most 2D ga It detects the mouse position, but when I click on the screen the object moves in the up-right direction, not following the cursor at all. Since the image you’re using is drawn pointing upwards, it’s going to be 90 degrees off from what look_at () is doing. normalized(), the speed is relative to the distance between the sprite and the mouse cursor. I have a shootingPoint that allways “look_at” my mouse position. how to make my area2d position snap to tile size and follow mouse position at same time? i want my area2d follow my mouse and my cursor more or less in middle of my area2d. 3. Find the vector between the player's current position and the mouse cursor Multiply the above vector by -1 If your mouse position is relative to the viewport, you’ll have to get the player position relative to the viewport as well. Cheers. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Hello, I am sorta new to godot and I was wondering an easy way to move a 2d sprite to a mouse click position. The tooltip position follows the mouse cursor while hovering the element 2). 👤 Asked By dang_ Hi, I was wondering about how i can get an object to follow my mouse like haveing it connected to it. hey, i’ve just follow this tutorial to see what i can do, (am working on a top down game), so i’ve ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. class_name Player extends Area2D func _physics_process(delta): if is_playing: global_position = global_position. warp_mouse(get_mouse_position()) The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. I need if there is already one press on the screen (that is, it is dragged) to return the coordinates of The mouse position only exists in the 2D space of the viewport. angle_to(get_global_mouse_position()) to get the angle you need to rotate the gun to (in The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. _process() is the correct place to do it; I'm afraid you can't do much on a "software" scale to improve the situation. "Follow Viewport" is needed for the camera to work as I want it to. Player animation is the name of the AnimatedSprite node I am using. I started by converting my mouse coordinates local_to_map and then setting the position of the sprite to that value but it does not work correctly. I tried using self. lerp(get_global_mouse_position(), delta * movement_speed) This works with mobile too, but If you for example tap level 1, when level 1 starts, the player moves to the Hello I'm trying to draw a circle around the mouse which follows it, everything works fine in an isolated scene but when I instantiate it in the main The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. x < global_position. gd. e. 👤 Asked By MrBucket So the code below does not work since velocity gets set to 0 when you are on the left side of the paddle, and I would like to know how to make it so it will still have a smooth transition but still follow the mouse. project_position is the Godot equivalent function. Don’t project the mouse position as you rotate because it will change as you rotate because the viewport changes position. You click on the item in the slot, the mouse needs to disappear, then you need to instantiate the 3d object at the mouse position and set its parent. x: # its in the red area of the example. rotation_degrees = rad2deg(atan2(get_global_mouse_position(). Set the Sprite’s rotation in the Inspector to 90, and you’ll be fine. The problem is, objects that follow the cursor is slow. Id like to add some simple visual effect to the action of the object disappearing. Think of it like a drag and drop but with the event. Godot Forum Object follow mouse in radius. lxqqqy aqdqi fcpgrd pzqtmiv ysvyk mvlkhme owsjqb wqjggnu ahinje csxu