Sspx sunday obligation. Thanks in advance for the guidance.
Sspx sunday obligation Fr. I was recently invited to a Latin-rite Mass on a Sunday for the celebration of a number of women religious 50+ years of consecrated life. , “wherever Mass is celebrated in a Catholic rite”) many liberally-minded bishops and priests will apply this in the “spirit of ecumenism” to the divine services offered by the schismatic and heretical Orthodox, but not to the Masses celebrated by priests of the SSPX! But it must be understood that while the third commandment is a divine law of God, the Sunday Obligation is an ecclesiastical law of the Church. Sunday 3rd November. 1. In Jun 23, 2019 · I fulfill my Sunday obligation at an SSPX Chapel and think our locale is lucky to have such a Chapel, as otherwise – beyond the efforts of 1 or 2 priests – there is little scope for tradition. Any danger to the faith in attending a traditional Mass will come not from DONATE: https://give. Sep 6, 2012 · Your final question, about the Sunday Mass obligation, is a tricky one, too. Sep 16, 2021 · Q: My parents (devout Catholics) have been attending an SSPX Mass on Sundays. Oct 2, 2024 · Holy days of obligation to attend mass. I want to attend the SSPX Mass on Sunday out of love for the liturgy, but I have seen people say that it would not fulfill my Sunday Obligation. As it is I have so little faith left in the Catholic Church. Tag Archives: Sunday obligation. This reply was made to an inquiry made by a family about whether attending Mass at an SSPX chapel would serve to fulfill their Sunday Obligation: According to the New Code of Canon Law, “ Dec 18, 2024 · Nota bene: The ability to legally satisfy the Sunday obligation is tied to the Church in which the Mass is celebrated, and not merely to the validity of the minister’s ordination or the Missal he uses. Marc Van Es, was first featured in June 1994 issue of The Angelus magazine. Even a diocesan TLM is better than an FSSP TLM. Salza has been a practicing attorney for over 25 years and a widely acclaimed Catholic author and speaker for more than two decades. Aug 7, 2015 · This new video, Episode 15. At the same time, it is our ardent prayer and desire, as it should be for all Catholics, that the doctrinal issues with the Society of St. Ultimately the editorial board at OnePeterFive remains unconvinced Good Shepherd Sunday, associated so closely with the Sacred Priesthood, is the II Sunday after Easter. ” Nov 6, 2012 · PCED letter on fulfilling the Sunday obligation by attending an SSPX Mass and diocesan seminarians as subdeacons The Polish Traditionalist Catholic blog Nowy Ruch Liturgiczny published yesterday the November 6, 2012 response of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei to two queries (which that blog reproduced in the original English): Mar 17, 2020 · Certain people, such as the sick and elderly, have received dispensations from Sunday Mass attendance. Christina Kohler. For many people, myself included, the novus ordo is a near occasion of sin. In our Holy Father during the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis extended faculties, exercising his immediate juridical authority, he communicated faculties to hear confessions to all SSPX priests. “Thou shall keep the Sabbath holy. Before ascending to heaven, our Lord had promised, at the Last Supper, that He would not leave us orphans, but would send us the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete (Gospel, Alleluia); that in all things we might glorify God, through Jesus Christ our Lord (Gospel). This is ultimately the most important bottom line, as many faithful are faced with difficult decisions as their Latin Mass is shut down in various places. Which Mass Fulfills My Sunday Obligation? Part II. Now Michal has the answer to his question. Catholic News Live has sunset its Catholic news aggregation services and will no longer be updated after January 21, 2018. The same can be said when the Sunday obligation of hearing Mass is looked at from a theoretical level based on biblical theology, or as a legally binding precept. Also why the Jewish Sabath begins Friday at sundown. He lectures internationally about many topics including biblical Feb 15, 2022 · Here we must make the distinction between Communion at the SSPX and every other issue that goes with the SSPX. Fellay & Com. com So for me, I agree with the SSPX. May 15, 2021 · If an SSPX priest is going to advise against attending a traditional Mass to fulfill the Sunday obligation, there must likewise be a grave danger to the faith. Even in what is referred to here as the Novus Ordo or Councilor Church, where if a Holy Day falls on a Saturday or Monday the obligation is sometimes dispensed, that is not the case for Christmas this year. The second collection is the District Collection for Seminaries. There is a distinct and required obligation of Mass attendance for Oct 24, 2019 · From a reader: Howdy Fr. Updated: March 5, 2024. 2 days ago · Points 1 and 3 in our letter of 27 September 2002 to this correspondent are accurately reported. SSPX also goes further to declare that the Novus Ordo is "evil" and that Catholics attending it do NOT fulfill their Sunday obligation. Pius X (SSPX) is not in schism, and that their Masses can fulfill Catholics’ Sunday obligation Nov 6, 2021 · 2 – You could fulfill your obligation, but it would be sinful to go. I prefer the Latin Mass. Rules for penitential days under present Church law. trueorfalsepope. SSPX Australia Bulletins: Jan 18, 2003 · Source: Fr. Apr 10, 2017 · The SSPX does it by starting the Easter Vigil Mass at midnight. Z [Fine, thanks!]. Camille Perl of the Pontifical Council Ecclesia Dei (PCED) where he says: "In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. com/p/sspx-masses-and-sunday-obligation-john. More details: Catholic News Live shutting down after 9 years. not SSPX) Mass, which may or may not be SSPX-affiliated, does not fulfill the Sunday obligation. This day honors Mary as the Mother of God and celebrates her role in the mystery of our salvation. So, I suppose that, technically, you would fulfill your Sunday obligation. 1], we explained the Sunday Precept and some circumstances that can dispense a person from this ecclesiastical law. Oct 29, 2023 · One is required to fulfill the Sunday obligation at a Catholic Liturgy. May 1 is the first anniversary of the death of our dear confrere, Rev. Apr 25, 2017 · Canonical link: ASK FATHER: Do I fulfill my Sunday obligation at an Eastern or SSPX church? No Longer Active. With that in mind, an interview on Catholic Answers last night said that SSPX does meet the obligation: Dec 10, 2020 · Q: I am a member of the Maronite [Catholic] Church. Sep 17, 2015 · Michael goes on referring to SSPX supporters: For example, they often refer to the January 2003 statement from Msgr. Thanks in advance for the guidance. Salza has been a practicing attorney for over 25 yea Mar 6, 2024 · (LifeSiteNews) — Prominent canon lawyer Father Gerald Murray has declared that the Society of St. They do have licit confessions, and marriges if they receive permission from the Bishop. Cardinal Silvio Oddi President for the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy March 17, 1984. But Mr. I have read your posts, and showed them to my parents, but Continue reading → Canon 1248 states that Catholics can fulfill their Sunday obligation by attending any Mass, including a nuptial Mass, on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation during the day or evening of the day preceding. Sabina or celebrated by the average American Jesuit! Jan 2, 2021 · The FSSP is not “SSPX Lite”, it’s a compromise with modernism. See article and citations here: https://www. If a Latin Catholic only has access to a non-Latin Catholic Mass/divine liturgy on Sunday, he is bound to attend it, in order to satisfy his Sunday obligation. Masses in Advent: – The Sunday and ferial Masses of Advent are without the Gloria, including Gaudete Sunday. 3 – it’s not a sin to attend, but be careful, it promotes a schismatic mentality. May 14, 2022 · If the Novus Ordo did not fulfill the Sunday obligation, then that would mean that every bishop in the world has failed to fulfill their Sunday obligation for the past half century. With that in mind, an interview on Catholic Answers I read last night said that SSPX does meet the obligation: Jun 23, 2024 · On September 28, 1999 (under Protocol N. I have read your posts, and showed them to my Nov 19, 2018 · Tim Staples explains that anyone in full communion with Rome who attends an SSPX mass out of love for the traditional liturgy legitimately fulfills his Sunday obligation, and then gives a brief overview of the history of the society and its conflicts with the Church. But it must be understood that while the third commandment is a divine law of God, the Sunday Obligation is an ecclesiastical law of the Church. Camille Perl and explicitly affirming, also "in a strict sense", that attendance in SSPX Masses suffice to fulfill one's Sunday obligation. Dec 9, 2015 · From a reader May I attend a Mass by an SSPX priest during the Year of Mercy to fulfill my Sunday obligation? What is the current status of their Mass and is it affected by the Year of Mercy declaration by Pope Francis on the SSPX? Yes, attendance at a Mass by an SSPX priest can fulfill your Sunday Obligation even before the Year of Mercy and also afterward. Therefore, like the Apostles assembled in the Cenacle, we must prepare by prayer In an earlier “official statement” regarding the status of the SSPX’s Our Lady of Fatima Chapel in Collier Township, the faithful were informed that the SSPX Masses do not fulfill Sunday obligation (a contention that contradicts Points 1 and 3 in our letter of 27 September 2002 to this correspondent are accurately reported. In doing so, he shockingly admits the following: “It is frequently stated by the SSPX and its supporters that you can fulfill your Sunday and Holy Day Mass In this episode I am joined by John Salza & Andrew Bartel to talk about the SSPX & Sunday Obligation. Román: How wonderful. I believe you can fulfill your Sunday obligation with an SSPX Mass, but it's never been completely, explicitly stated without reservation on a general level. Gerald Murray: Q: Is the SSPX in schism? A: No. Transcript: Dec 18, 2024 · In the span of just a few days, two well-known Catholics publicly gave what I maintain are erroneous conclusions regarding whether or not SSPX Masses fulfill the Sunday Dec 18, 2024 · There has been much confusion concerning the question of whether assisting at Masses offered by the Society of St. The Mass, of course, is beautiful. So in the conclusion of the Crisis in the Church Series’ study of the SSPX itself, we’ll answer those questions, and let you know why it’s actually. Attending Mass at a SSPX chapel. Q: Can you fulfill your Sunday obligation at an SSPX Mass? A: Yes, because it is a valid Catholic Mass. In 1966, Pope Paul VI promulgated a new set of regulations for fasting and abstaining by his apostolic constitution, Paenitemini. Jun 12, 2013 · It does fulfill your obligation. May 16, 2024 · It has a valid Mass; but it is not a Catholic Mass—and therefore attending would not satisfy a Catholic’s Sunday obligation. Twenty-forth Sunday after. Table of Contents: Does Mass at SSPX chapel fulfill Sunday obligation w/ John Salza; This article by Fr. Oct 30, 2024 · Holy Day of Obligation. First let me say, I am 100% with the bishops and the pope. NB: Ironically, because of the ambiguous canon in the New Code regarding the fulfillment of one’s Sunday obligation (i. The reason the pope "needs" the SSPX now is to sell this missal to blind followers. Adult Catechism: Holiday break. Mr. catholic. That is not the "test" for whether a Mass fulfills the obligation. The obligation of Mass is binding on all persons who have attained the use of reason; that is, including children seven years old. Sep 2, 2022 · Their masses are illicit, and do not fulfill the sunday obligation, since a liturgical act must be done in union with the Church by somone deputed by the Church. This reply was made to an inquiry made by a family about whether attending Mass at an SSPX chapel would serve to fulfill their Sunday Obligation: 2 days ago · Yes, a Catholic may fulfill their Sunday obligation by assisting at Masses said by the priests of the Society of St. Therefore, if one chooses to attend a Mass of the SSPX whilst having access to a Catholic Mass elsewhere, then this would constitute an act of rebellion against the Church. O. So in the conclusion of the Crisis in the Church Series’ study of the SSPX itself, we’ll Sundays throughout the year and Holy Days of Obligation outside of Lent cancelled the fasting and/or abstinence of any penitential day which coincided. ”- The Third Attending Mass at a SSPX chapel. This is why the Saturday Vigil Mass is considered the first Mass of Sunday. The First Precept of the Church is to attend Mas on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation. The standard position of the SSPX is that the NO is a schismatic rite, Jul 22, 2015 · But it must be understood that while the third commandment is a divine law of God, the Sunday Obligation is an ecclesiastical law of the Church. Since the SSPX priests are validly ordained, their Masses are valid. If you can, then the situation of SSPX remains in doubt. This reply was made to an inquiry made by a family about whether attending Mass at an SSPX chapel would serve to fulfill their Sunday Obligation: Historically, the day ended and the next began at sundown. If it were, woe betide anyone who attends Mass at St. All Sundays are obligatory for the faithful to participate in the Mass. Q: What is the status of Catholics attending the Mass of the Society of Saint Pius The organ and musical instruments are permitted also on Holy Days of Obligation, except Sundays, and the feasts of the Principal Patron, titular of the principal church, titular of the religious order, or extraordinary solemnities. Daniel Cooper, SSPX. 5:00pm Confessions. Gerald Murray) YouTube & @MrCasey62 Q & A with Fr. The Ecclesia Dei Commission on 18th January 2003, stated that it is possible to satisfy the precept of hearing Sunday Mass by assisting at a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of Saint Pius X. 8 min read. org/ - Many Catholics wonder if they should attend the New Mass, especially to fulfill their Sunday Obligation. I ask you, for a Catholic who doesn’t regularly attend the Society’s chapels, he comes from another countryor let’s say he wants to Jun 11, 2024 · What if you attend another diocesan mass to meet your obligation, and also attend an SSPX mass? The answer given previously seems to be that IFF there is no other option to meet your Sunday Obligation then you may do so at an SSPX chapel. <br>Mr. And Priest and the people are very Are the SSPX Really Schismatic? (Fr. He lectures internationally about many topics including biblical apologetics, Freemasonry and In this second video of my 3-part-series, I try to give a comprehensive analysis of Sunday Obligation and the SSPX according to the (now dissolved) Pontifica Jan 25, 2023 · You can find the full interview here: https://www. ” The Sspx does not fulfill Sunday obligation I know this is a talking point of John Salza and now Michael Lofton is (unfortunately) picking it up and spreading it as well but they seem to be the only ones to hold this opinion. Going to the SSPX has been a revelation to me, not only in terms of authentic liturgy and practices, but in learning about Fatima, learning to pray the Rosary, learning how to pray. Q1: Could you please explain if according to the Canon Law, a Latin Catholic living in a region where there is a Mass in his rite let’s say once a month only, is obliged to attend the Mass every Sunday The SSPX has taught that it is better to stay home and pray the Rosary than to attend a Novus Ordo Mass, if those are your two options. Nov 6, 2021 · 2 – You could fulfill your obligation, but it would be sinful to go. 539/99), Monsignor Perl of the Ecclesia Dei Commission replied as follows to an inquiry about whether one incurred the delict of schism by attending Mass each Sunday at an SSPX chapel in ArizonaHere an ambivalent view of the SSPX is plainly evident: its priests are deemed suspended— a penalty they could hardly incur If we ignore SSPX's arguments and assume that the Church does not supply faculties, the question is whether you can fulfill your Sunday obligation at a Mass that is celebrated without faculties. The catechism further teaches that the Church's Sunday Precept helps us to fulfill God's commandment by attending Mass on Sunday (and Holy Days) and abstaining from This Sunday is a preparation for Pentecost. In yet another tirade against the SSPX, this one entitled “SSPX Sunday Mass,” Michael Voris explores whether assisting at an SSPX Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation. The Sunday obligation doesn't necessarily apply to the novus ordo. So, I suppose that, technically, you would fulfill Feb 25, 2024 · does not fulfill the Sunday Obligation as the masses offered by the SSPX are illicit. Must We Attend A “Protestantized” Mass? 4 days ago · - But what about the obligation? HOW DOES THE CHURCH COMMAND us to worship God on Sunday? The Church commands us to worship God on Sunday by assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I have always understood that SSPX churches are not licit options for a Roman Catholic. The CDF has confirmed this. So yes, the Easter Vigil Mass counts for your Sunday obligation. Though the 1984 Indult is a thing of the past (due to Summorum Pontificum), the principles outlined in this article continue to be applicable to the legal status of the traditional Roman Mass, as well as the problems with the New Mass, and thus why Catholics should not http://sspx. The priests of the SSPX are not in schism since their excommunication has been revoked. Reminder: The anniversary Mass is III class. youtube. Semi-regularly. In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. I listened to the SSPX Podcast's Crisis in the Church series and they seemed to get some pushback after they covered that teaching since they made a response episode. And somehow I doubt Rome would grant faculties to the SSPX if they believed this to be true. 5:00pm. does not constitute "attendance at Mass" or fulfill one's Sunday obligation!*** Please follow this playlist on YouTube, and set a reminder to be notified when each Mass Level: Intermediate In this episode I am joined by John Salza and Andrew Bartel to speak about the Society of Saint Pius X and the Sunday Obligation. 2 days ago · Therefore, the SSPX Masses, we will be told endlessly that do not fulfill the Sunday obligation Remember, that SP was written with the SSPX in mind and with the SSPX (B. Pius X within the Church, not in formal schism; Catholics commit no sin nor incur any canonical penalty for Mass attendance Mar 3, 2024 · No. I had a question about fulfilling my Sunday Obligation at an SSPX chapel. Thus if there are circumstances that make it impractical or impossible to fulfill the obligation of attending Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day, the Church can dispense her members from this rule. These new rules are listed in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, Canons 1249-1253 and all Roman Catholics are bound to strictly observe them. to the Immaculate Heart. Good to attend. com/castudiosSUBSCRIBE: https://www. Sources: Q: My parents (devout Catholics) have been attending an SSPX Mass on Sundays. - Holy Day of Obligation, Assumption: Thurs, 15 August (Ask for the day off!) - Men’s Working Bee: Sat, 17 August - Parish Picnic: Sun, 18 August Eucharistic Crusade July Intention: So that priests and religious become saints Sunday Catechism: Classes for all ages resume today, 21 st July. Mr. Pentecost. Pius X on Sundays and Holy Days satisfies the obligation In a May 28, 1996 letter and repeated in Protocol No. Rosary, Prayers & 15 minute meditation. 2, is the second and concluding part to the FAQ: "Should Catholics attend the New Mass?". Sunday, March 31, 2024 – Easter Sunday. If a fast-day Vigil fell on Sunday, the fasting and abstinence associated with the Vigil were not anticipated on the Saturday, but dropped altogether that year. Aug 4, 2018 · Technically, by attending the Mass of the SSPX priests, you would fulfill your Sunday obligation. He lectures internationally about many topics including biblical apologetics, Some priests of the SSPX are better than others. Saturday 2nd November. youtube. About Holy Days of Obligation Every Sunday. You do not incur sin or canonical penalty simply by attending. Pius X. Classes resume on 9 For the past few months I have been attending an SSPX mass in my city. A quick search of google did not turn up a concise explanation of when the changes were made to allow Saturday evening Mass to fulfill the Sunday obligation The one thing that I'm hesitant about is the SSPX teaching about the Sunday obligation, where they say you're not obligated to go if a TLM isn't available. com/watch?v=gd0OhVy1JtMJohn explains the canon legal issues and Church politics behind why Lefebvre Attending Mass at a SSPX chapel. But the Vatican has made it clear that the priests of the SSPX are without faculties, namely Catholics may not go to confession, get married, or fulfill their Sunday obligations at an Nov 1, 2023 · <p>Level: Intermediate<br>In this episode I am joined by John Salza and Andrew Bartel to speak about the Society of Saint Pius X and the Sunday Obligation. His first question was “Can I fulfill my Sunday obligation by attending a Pius X Mass” and our response was: “1. An illicit Liturgy is one done against the ruling of the Church: it is contrary to law. I can't help but wonder sometimes if the current state of affairs is God's justice? Perhaps Vatican I and the notion of papal infallibility/universal SSPX Masses Share Limited Progress Toward Reconciliation ROME, 17 March 2020 (ZENIT) Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and sacramental theology and director of the Sacerdos Institute at the Regina Apostolorum university. First Saturday Devotion. Posted on May 16, 2024 by Cathy Caridi. of Mary. I am about 50-60 minutes away from the closest and only diocesan TLM in Dallas, and being a college student I cannot really afford to drive there every week. " Again, this should be end of story. That said, an independent (i. Monday, January 1, 2024 – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. The suggestion of having a weekly liturgical precept (and not necessarily the Sunday precept) does not really solve anything; merely reducing it to an inner obligation without the binding force of a law, means ignoring the To answer this important inquiry, we must first understand what the Sunday Obligation is and how it applies. In order to fulfill your Sunday obligation, you must attend a Mass that is celebrated by a Catholic priest who is in good standing with the Church, and which follows the liturgical norms and teachings of the Church. , “wherever Mass is celebrated in a Catholic rite”) many liberally-minded bishops and priests will apply this in the “spirit of ecumenism” to the divine services offered by the schismatic and heretical Orthodox, but not to the Masses celebrated by priests of the SSPX! SSPX priests are consecrated by validly ordained bishops in communion with the Holy See as far as I know. com/user/catholiccomWEBSITE: https://www. Basically, yeah, the Masses are valid, but illicit, and some SSPX priests say some veryschismatic-sounding things. Every Sunday is a holy day of obligation to attend mass. The . The Mass took place at 3 Jan 4, 2023 · If you attend an SSPX Mass, it will not fulfill your Sunday obligation to attend Mass. Excellent. Particular rules observed in the USA Nov 19, 2023 · Title. Jun 11, 2024 · One answer given previously (by u/frmaurer) seems to be that IFF there is no other option to meet your Sunday Obligation then you may do so at an SSPX chapel. Pius X will be Sep 6, 2012 · Since the SSPX priests are validly ordained, their Masses are valid. All Souls Day. But is that the right thing to do? I would recommend that you attend a Mass Sep 17, 2015 · No, the title of this piece is not a misprint. Hi, Lucille — I can confirm that attendance at an SSPX Mass does satisfy the Sunday obligation and is not necessarily sinful, unless one specifically attends Mass there for a bad reason — such as to express a breach from full communion with Pope Benedict. In this video, we show that since the New Mass constitutes a danger to the Jul 22, 2015 · But it must be understood that while the third commandment is a divine law of God, the Sunday Obligation is an ecclesiastical law of the Church. The SSPX are not deputed. The independent priest does it by stating that the Mass offered on Saturday evening does not fulfill the Sunday obligation. Those who have used canon 1248 to conclude that SSPX Masses fulfill the Sunday obligation have not understood this important distinction. Catholics of course know that one of the Ten Commandments is to "keep holy the Lord's day". Salza’s assertions about canonical mission have a direct bearing on whether one can fulfill one’s Sunday obligation at an SSPX chapel. In these videos, we’re going to s Level: Intermediate In this episode I am joined by John Salza and Andrew Bartel to speak about the Society of Saint Pius X and the Sunday Obligation. Zed Ask Father Not Again Does Attending an SSPX Mass Fulfill Ones Sunday Obligation/ask-father-not-again-does-attending-an-sspx-mass-fulfill-ones-sunday-obligation/ July 11, 2008 PCED confirms officially: Society of St. No, I do not think that a NO mass can fulfill Sunday obligation. 236/98 of March 6, 1998: In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society Mar 6, 2024 · Murray went on to address the question of whether a Catholic can fulfill their Sunday obligation by attending an SSPX Mass, clarifying that “The answer is yes, because it It would also fulfill the Sunday obligation. Because there is much that can be debated. Mar 6, 2015 · The key difficulty with defining the status of the SSPX is that there situation is without precedent. ***Please note that witnessing the Mass on the television, computer etc. St Winifred. htmlAnother pertinent article by Salza (referenced i May 5, 2012 · This letter is an apparent reversal of earlier statements from the time when Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos stood at the helm of the PCED, notably the 2003 letter to Una Voce America signed by Msgr. ) behind with conditions we never had before such as acceptance of the N. Yes, one can fulfill their Sunday obligation at no great peril at an FSSP chapel, but it’s recommended that an alternate place be found. People forget that there’s a requirement to go to mass on the Sabbath. Sep 18, 2021 · Can I meet my Sunday Obligation at an SSPX ( Society of Saint Pius the X) Chapel? If so, would I be able to commune and go to confession. I have asked this question before in confession but due to time constraints have never really gotten a clear answer. They have some iffy beliefs regarding Novus Ordo including saying you are dispensed of your Sunday obligation if there are no Extraordinary form masses available in the area. Requiescat in Pace. Pius X (SSPX). com/Tim Staples clarifies that an The SSPX's position on the protestantized New Mass is explained, The editor replied in the May 2007 issue clarifying the SSPX's position while citing the Church's teaching about the Sunday Obligation and how the New Mass poses a danger to the faith of Catholics, thus needs to be avoided. 10 comments. e. This sounds a lot like heresy. May 31, 2012 · Points 1 and 3 in our letter of 27 September 2002 to this correspondent are accurately reported. In our first video on the question [Episode 14. Receiving communion Feb 21, 2022 · Can One Fulfill the Sunday Obligation at SSPX. wgqia sjgknefs zxvfu lqwlij lgvlme qsslqg driw yfyou ydpqi erlc