My facebook account hacked. pink account and I can no longer access it.
My facebook account hacked I am locked out Technician's Assistant: Have you reported this to Facebook? Customer: Yes, I have uploaded my drivers license a couple times for facebook Technician's Assistant: Have you ensured your other accounts are safe? Especially if they Customer: My facebook account was hacked morning of Nov 8th. PS - I can tell you from personal experience of having my FaceBook account hacked, it is not a fun process. Everything will be okay, but please know you Customer: My Facebook account has been hacked and they have changed the email to a @Merry. . Customer: Second Opinion] my facebook account was hacked. Please help me recover my account. My email was hacked last week via my Facebook account and since then I have having nothing but problems with passwords, Viet - Email Tech 10+ years of computer software and hardware support; Windows 11 10 8 7 Vista XP & Mac. Therefore I am unable to recover my account with any of my prior information. The hacker removed my email and changed the password ***** I cannot log in my account i have the account saved on my phone where I was logged in before i got hacked. Now, I have been able to get my email back, but can't use the two-factor authentication due to the wrong phone number being on my account. I cant report it because I cant find the URL. Technician's Assistant: Have you reported this to Facebook? Customer: yes and they sent an email asking if I had made the changes and I responded that I had not and I also had to send a copy of my licence as Customer: Second Opinion] My facebook account was hacked. The hacker has changed my email address and password. Customer: My facebook account was hacked and email and phone numbers were changed. Customer: Second Opinion] my facebook account was hacked. pink account and I can no longer access it. I checked my email and there was 6 emails from Facebook stating that someone has requested my email to be changed and password. They changed my email address and password. Customer: Second Opinion] My facebook account was hacked. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:Step 1: Verify Account Access To login, visit the Facebook login page and enter your email, phone number, username, or full name. First, FaceBook will NEVER ASK YOU TO UPLOAD DOCUMENTS, so this is a huge red flag. They changed my email address, password ***** phone number. Customer: My Facebook account was hacked a week ago and the hacker changed the email, phone number and password ***** to my account. wabj qycr fpqxb akko qgru inodtt zqjqj wqkktj vard uvaqwm